CSC Networking Event / Highspeed Trains

CSC (China Switzerland Connection) was pleased to host the third networking event on 24.05.2024 at the University of Lucerne. We were extremely happy to welcome our keynote speaker, Mr. David Feng, and learn more about trains in China as well as the differences between China and Switzerland. 

About China Switzerland Connection

China Swiss Connection (CSC) is a non-profit organization that promotes friendship, understanding and cultural exchange between Switzerland and China through events, web projects and networking. The event is part of the regular CSC events in Central Switzerland.

Event introduction

On behalf of CSC, Mr. Carli Beeli, president of China Switzerland Connection, welcomed wonderful guests from Bienne, Zurich, and Lucerne. For the first time, it was a hybrid event, with participants from China joining virtually. On site, CSC was pleased to host guests from Swiss Railway SBB and the Transportation Museum of Lucerne. Mr. Carli Beeli provided a brief introduction about CSC and the third event of the series.


Fast tracking life in China / High speed rail in China

Did you know when the Chinese railway was built? Did you know how long the tracks are? Did you know how the Chinese railway is structured, how fast the trains are and how the ticket system works? Mr David Feng explained this and many more insights to the guests.

The presentation was fascinating, rich with insights, delving into the history of railways in China from their inception to the modern era. David detailed the challenges faced in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, where visionaries already aimed to extend the railway network to 160'000 kilometers. 

From the mid-20th century, the railway infrastructure progressed incrementally, with David elucidating each milestone along the way. New lines were laid, and trains underwent significant improvements. The expansion of railways included longer routes and faster trains. As passenger numbers surged, the complexity of the rail network grew. Trains now achieve speeds of up to 350 km/h and more! Various levels of rail tracks lines (distinguished by colors like red, blue, and yellow) have been set-up. Consequently, trains have become a valid alternative to aviation. 

The achievements are substantial. Today, the demand between major cities such as Shanghai and Beijing necessitates doubling tracks. Connecting remote regions within China and fostering international links have become key priorities. With exceptionally high-quality infrastructure. The infrastructure is now even structured in red, blue and yellow lines and travelers can indulge in business-class experiences on a vast network spanning approximately 140'000 kilometers within the nation. 

But more is to come, such as new tracks that are planned and the fascinating Maglev, which will be another milestone. Can we dream and expect it by 2035? 

If you want know more about the China Railways then you can discover the presentation on Youtube or contact Mr. David Feng directly.

About the key note speaker

David Feng, a Swiss citizen with a Chinese Green Card, was born in Beijing in 1982 and has previously resided in Zürich and London. He holds a PhD and is a specialist in media and rail. David is also an accredited foreign expert in China. His expertise in trains and languages is recognized by Chinese official bodies. In addition to his other roles, he serves on the "Chinglish committee," which targets Chinglish and replaces it with proper English. The committee recently finalized new English standards for transport, to which David contributed significantly. He has been addressing Chinglish since 1992 and has been an active member of this committee since 2021, even throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. Moreover, David's expertise regarding Swiss railways is outstanding. 


Impression from the event

Here some impressions of the events. We look forward to meet YOU on one of our next events.


CSC is looking for donors who support the cause of CSC by bridging China and Switzerland. Additionally, we invite companies to support us as event sponsors for the Central Switzerland event series. We will promote your company in our communications, giving you visibility in both China and Switzerland. Thank you in advance for your support. 

Press / Media / Sponsoring

René Bachmann, mybow Brand Consulting, Rothenbad 18, 6015 Lucerne / Switzerland,