We are sorry, our event is closed

Regular networking events from China Switzerland Connection Central Switzerland

  • Date:24.05.2024 18:30 - 24.05.2024 19:45
  • Location Frohburgstrasse 3, Luzern, Schweiz (Map)
  • More Info:University of Lucerne / Switzerland Frohburgstrasse 3 6002 Lucerne (right next to Lucerne railroad station) Room: 4.B47



  • Fast tracking life - High speed rail in China. 
  • Transnational rail transport development & sustainable infrastructure and urbanisation


  • Meet & Greet by Carli Beeli - President of CSC (5min)
  • Program by David Feng (35min)
  • Questions & open discussion (35min)


  • Friday, 24.05.2024
  • 6.30 pm – 7.45 pm

Key note speaker

Mr. David Feng

  • Swiss-citizen Foreign Expert in China; Swiss rail transport specialist
  • Specialisation on transnational rail transport development and transnational sustainable infrastructure and urbanisation
  • Created Everyday Rail English campaign starting from 2013

Do not hesitate to register using the form below. The space is limited to max 35 seats.


If you are interested, we have reserved some seats at a restaurant close to the university at 8pm: 

  • Costs for dinner are paid by the guests individually
  • Restaurant chosen will be Tibits at the Trainstaigen 1st floor
  • Please choose the option in the invitation form (first come, first serve)
  • https://www.tibits.ch/de/eventraeume/luzern


Photos will be taken during the event, if you don't want to be in a photo, please let us know in advance.

CSC event flyer Mai.pdf